
We work with professional Black and Brown artists to create excellent and important art. We  are driven by a desire to bring to light that which goes unnoticed or voices which are silenced. We make work for the oppressed peoples of the world, which is all of us. We centre the racialised, the working class, the immigrants, the queers, the disabled, the neurodivergent, the marginalised. 

Each project will have a different creative team that reflects the diversity of modern Britain. We will work with people of all genders, ages, ethnicities, with protected characteristics and characteristics not protected by law. 

Our ambition is to develop work in partnership with communities, recognising the best work is born out of a dialogue. Our practice is socially engaged and speaks to contemporary experiences - but the work can also be fun, joyous, or even silly.

Our creative development processes are designed to be flexible, curious, playful, rigorous and collaborative. They are a resourced space to learn, test working relationships, and develop material. RHP R&Ds can last up to a year, in line with the specific rhythm and needs of that project. Each project will have dedicated and consistent creative producer capacity to shape / guide / support / critique / mentor / evaluate along the way. 

We will be touring our first productions in 2026.

Below are some of the key things we look at when selecting and designing projects:

  • Is this a Black or Brown story?

  • Is the artistic idea strong / developed? 

  • Is this an artist whose work we have seen and liked?

  • Is there a prior relationship to build on?

  • Is there a shared artistic vision?

  • Who is the audience for this work and how will we reach them?

  • Is there a diversity of art form and geography in our slate of projects?

If you have an idea for a show you’d like to pitch (which could have had up to one R&D completed), please contact us for a ‘getting to know each other’ chat.

At RHP we understand the importance of getting the artist-producer relationship right so this is the first step in the process of collaboration. If you’d like to invite Rafia to a sharing/performance, please use the contact form.